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Link to Persian Section
AV files (mostly in Persian)
Link to Ghaffar Hosseini's page
Ode to summer 2007
Each poem is a secret
(See original Persian)
Lady of the Earth
(See original Persian)
The traveler and the thief
(See original
(See original Persian)
Recollecting a dream
Silk Road block and emergence of Islam
Is the "Clash of Civilizations"
Lecture at CU-Boulder
Some observations on the necessity
of a non-essentialist analysis of
religious developments in Iran
Introduction to translation of
Shokooh Mirzadegi's novel:
"That Stranger Within Me"
(Article in Encyclopedia Iranica)
Merry Yalda, The Iranian Christmas
Mithra,, Mehr, Mehregan and Yalda
Full of hope
A poet who does not go away
Two Years After Shamlou
Prophet of light:
Remembering Ahmad Shamlou
glance at the life of Ghaffar Hosseini
picture from the days of New Wave Poetry
Frozen in time: A 30-year-old ad
Traveler of tomorrow
Reacting to Mike
Wallace's Interview with IRI's president
8/12/2006 (video)

Lecture on Yaldaa
The Iranian Christmas
December 20, 2001

Link to text
Lecture at Rotary
Middle East in the
Global Village
October 26, 2006

International Committee to
Save the Archeological Sites of Pasargad

Dr. Esmail Nooriala (also known as Payaam)
was born in 1943 in Tehran, Iran. He began printing his articles on
cinema and literature, as well as his poems, in 1957. The first
collection of his modern poems was published in 1962 and he has
published 8 more collections of poetry since that date. In 1964 he began
writing critical and historical analysis of modern Persian poetry and
his first voluminous book on this subject (known as "Sovar va Asbaab")
was published in 1968. He directed two feature films and 20
documentaries during the next 4 years and, at the same time, taught
Persian literature and culture at the Tehran University. In 1973 he left
Iran to continue his studies at the London University. He finished his
studies in 1978, returned to Iran after the Revolution and was forced to
leave the country in 1980. He resided in London for 14 more years and
immigrated to the USA (Denver, Colorado) in 1994. Nooriala was one of
the first 9 writers who set up the Association of Iranian Writers in
1967. He also was a founder of Society of Iranian Writers and Artist in
Britain (SIWAB - 1984). He has edited several literary magazines inside
and outside of Iran and is considered as one of the initiators of the
Persian New Wave Poetry, through his poems and writings (collected in "Sovar
va Asbaab"), as well as by editing and publishing two literary
periodicals (Jong e Torfe, 1964 Jozve ye She'r 1966) and running the
Poetry Workshop of Ferdowsi Weekly (1969-1972) all focused on the
literary products of this movement.
During his years in exile, he has published a
major work on modern Persian poetry (Theory of Poetry), several
collections of poetry and has written extensively on Persian literature
and culture. In 1990 he married Shokooh Mirzadegi, another Persian well
known writer.
During the last five years they have jointly
produced four weekly TV programs that were and are broadcast all over the world,
and especially to Iran.
He has published a new e-magazine, named "New
Secularism" in Nov. 2007 and acts as its chief editor.